Ok so i changed the install path to be in /usr instead of /usr/local, and now it kind of works, but i get this error. AttributeError: module 'paint' has no...
My prefix is `/usr` and i use master for GNU Radio 3.8.x
I used `cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ../` to change the installation path, because the default was `/usr/local` And it still says AttributeError: module 'paint' has no attribute 'paint_bc'
I still get `AttributeError: module 'paint' has no attribute 'paint_bc'` error
And i have even clean uninstalled previous attempts with `sudo make uninstall` in `/build` folder so nothing collides
Well, Kali Linux, but it's so close to Debian, i didn't think it really matters. Does it ? I mean now we see it does, do you think there is...