
Results 13 comments of JinfengZhang

@Seanmatthews hi,i am training my data with faster-rcnn but got the same error assert all(max_classes[nonzero_inds] != 0) AssertionError,Please let me know if you have any solution to this problem.

@kanza-ali I have the same question,have you visualized the videos by t-sne?

@Zhuysheng hey,i met same error,have you figure it out yet ?

@tegillis could you please tell me how to train it? i use python main.py --root_path ~/3D-ResNets-PyTorch --video_path data/hmdb51_videos/jpg --annotation_path hmdb51_1.json --result_path results --dataset hmdb51 --model resnet --model_depth 34 --n_classes 51...

@cavalleria hello,according to data augmentation result in model_zoo.md,baseline is the best, so we do not need to do any data augmentation?

@xsacha @cavalleria @bobo0810 Hello, I want to find a network with a better accuracy than resnet50-IR, and it is better to have similar inference speed,could you give me some advice...

@xsacha I‘ve tried AttNet-56-IR,almost the same acc compare with resnet50-IR...

@zhoudaquan 请问转caffe的时候 if self.identity: shape = x.shape id_tensor = x[:,:shape[1]//self.identity_div,:,:] # id_tensor = torch.cat([x[:,:shape[1]//self.identity_div,:,:],torch.zeros(shape)[:,shape[1]//self.identity_div:,:,:].cuda()],dim=1) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() out[:,:shape[1]//self.identity_div,:,:] = out[:,:shape[1]//self.identity_div,:,:] + id_tensor 这个操作支持吗?我是先转的onnx后转的caffe,onnx里会有slice和scatterND操作caffe不支持 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32166605/102969216-472fe500-4530-11eb-9a8b-cf70af9f86a3.png)