Félix Malfait
Félix Malfait
Once it's that state it's very annoying because it's impossible to access any page (reload button doesn't solve anything). We should either trigger a full reload or find a way...
Dark mode looks awful when you try to see the full list of selected items (type on "+15" if you have 17 items)
### What It's annoying that when I take a note on a _person_ I don't see it on the _company_ or the _opportunity_. For workspace that want to do so,...
### What We shipped a new timeline that separate the concept of audit logs (immutable event store of everything that happened), from timeline activities (nice user-facing events that can be...
## Context We currently have 4 environment variables to specify our SECRETS in `packages/twenty-server/.env`: - ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET - LOGIN_TOKEN_SECRET - REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET - FILE_TOKEN_SECRET We would like to replace those by a...
We should be able to set default filter on relations. One use-case is for the opportunities field, we shouldn't be able to assign a person that is from a different...
As of today we are using "cache-first" strategy and "in-memory" storage. Instead we would like to introduce a persistent storage through https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-cache-persist/ (most likely LocalStorage). Instead of using fetchPolicy we...
See: https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/blob/d07dc1112476bbed627f0a2599d060e537c57f65/packages/twenty-server/src/modules/calendar/services/google-calendar-sync/google-calendar-sync.service.ts#L366 Event name should adopt a standard format (e.g. xxx.created) ; if it's an an then we probably want to dispatch a job instead
We have two columns `passwordResetToken` and `passwordResetTokenExpiresAt` on the users table. We should delete them and use a new dedicated type in the `AppTokens` table instead. Marking as "good first...
We need to setup a cron to run `npx nx github:sync twenty-website` every 5 minutes This will import contributor/release/stars data to make sure it's displayed live on the website cc...