Feiko Gorter

Results 5 comments of Feiko Gorter

Tried to use espnow, using the documentation [docs/library/espnow.rst](https://github.com/glenn20/micropython/blob/espnow-g20/docs/library/espnow.rst). I can't init espnow, what argument is it expecting? see code below. ``` from esp import espnow espnow.ESPNow.init() Traceback (most recent call...

Thanks Glenn20, Of course! That did the trick. My Python is a bit rusty. A short code snippet would be very welcome.

I just tried loading the original [frontal.cascade](https://github.com/openmv/openmv/blob/master/scripts/unittest/data/frontalface.cascade) file from flash. `image.HaarCascade('/flash/frontalface.cascade')` throws the same core dump. So the issue is not the cascade file.

I agree, for finding faces using the KPU would make more sense. However my haarcascade can identify license plates and I don't have a suitable license plate database to train...

Any updates on when we can expect a fix? It would be very nice if we could use the Haarcascade.