Due to no new version release in recent time I made this short fix manual but it's not fixing the issue with not listed items on the transferlist. I guess...
Thanks but sadly no. On my transferlist the "available items" are still shown as the 2nd screenshot from top.
ouh that's interesting, could maybe be made aswell for just browsing through the market?
But I didn't had that problem before the newest release. When none other here noticed any change regarding this, it may be a problem at my end but idk what...
Yes. 😄 Interesting fact: I deleted my futbin cookies and futbin now let me in again without a new ip. Maybe there was an issue with my cookies, I will...
Yeah I think that could be the case. I am also on the webapp 5 min now and only put some cards from my transferlist to my club to get...
> Ive had this problem too. Since the last 2-3 days been getting futbin ban with regular usage that wasn't a problem before > > update 17/10: got a futbin...
Oh interesting. Disabaled it after you said it has a futbin integration. Wasn't really using the webapp much since then but currently browsing through the webapp for an hour with...