Every time I annotate, it will change my previous label value to other label values, delete my label and add other labels. I have placed my label in classes.txt. here...
Thank you very much !!! This is very helpful to me. As for the problem you mentioned, it is not a big problem for me because my classes does not...
> Hi, I'm using L515 and I also need to rotate camera 180 degree for my project. This is very helpful to me, so can you tell me more about...
I also prefer to rotate at the camera level, and I see dorodinc commented that L515 has such capability. What should I do with C++(I can't find this function device_orientation...
That's a pity. Nevertheless, I still want to thank you for your guidance.
I change col to 320(my Image is 640x480) and X cout 0.595112, it seems like that error in X increase as pixel is further away from the center of the...
I turn on by realsense-viewer -> depth sensor -> color sensor -> move mouse on pointCloud, but it does't appear text like on 2D mode.
I have try as you say to use intrinsics with rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point, base on depthImg align to colorImg. What is diferent is that whether depth intrinsics align or not. As for...
OK, I'll learn more from the routine. I have another question here. I also learned from this https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/issues/4536#issuecomment-516985209 that "Depth aligned to color" is the position of the RGB sensor....
That is, X,Y are converted from IR transmitter to RGB camera, but Z still need to be added -4.5 if I use depth align to color or pointCloud and want...