
Results 37 comments of FeepingCreature

That's effectively what it comes down to. I generally reroll the days on my fork every season. But some of the previous seasons have been very silly to very boring;...

I have only one plea. If we introduce an `Optional` as a possible alternative to `Nullable`, which I am all for, then whatever you do, _please for the love of...

Regarding auto-tester failures, see https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/2304

I am not sure that things can be done. D allows you to write straight-up _wrong_ code involving JSONValue right now. Presumably that's what they're doing. Occasionally fixing a bug...

~~I don't follow why. *Should* D take the const-convertible-ness of a union from the first field? I guess not, but it works today, and then JSONValue behaves correctly.~~ oh wait...

I mean, if the bug is fixed, JSONValue and SumType will break regardless, surely? > Rebindable in general is a horrendous hack, making up for a lack of tail-modifiers in...