You are right. Sorry, I forgot that there can be white spaces in between. I makes much more sense with checking for a decimal number with a dot in front.
You want to do a new version despite missing support for the new operators for the non-spanned module? I will have a look at this as well. Just not sure...
ahh makes sense. Yes, its a little confusing, also with a lot of different branches. On the other side I do like the modularity :) Squashed the commits
Ah makes sense to not force a copy of the js text. But maybe giving the parser builder an option to create a copy while parsing? This would prevent walking...
I would prefer the AST to be in clean state with all identifier really being identifier. I can take a look when time permits but at the moment it's not...
Does something prevent me in general from writing a converter from the `read` data structures to the `write` data structures? Are there some information missing/not accessible where I would need...
I know that patching will very likely result in having to extend the section in the binary and shift all following sections accordingly which is hard. So, I consider the...
I would like to have support for the operators coming with ES2020 (https://www.w3schools.com/jS/js_2020.asp): - The Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) - The Optional Chaining Operator (?.) - Logical AND Assignment Operator...
Don't apologize! You did awesome work here already with this library all for free. Thank you! :) I might get some time to implement these operators as we need them....