Fatima Zulfiqar
Fatima Zulfiqar
I want to apply reranking for the MSMT17 dataset but the algorithm consumes too much memory space. Is there a way to consume less memory by achieving similar results? I...
Hi, I am trying to train DukeMTMC-VideoReID on a custom-built architecture that uses resnet50 as a backbone but contains attention mechanisms as well. I have a script ready and have...
Hi it might be a simple question but I need assistance regarding training model for video reid dataset. I have specified an engine as follows: datamanager = torchreid.data.ImageDataManager( root='/content/DukeMTMC-VideoReID', sources='dukemtmcvidreid',...
Hi. I am trying to apply reranking on the MSMT17 dataset, which is one of the largest datasets for person reid. However, when I apply rerank it consumes way too...
Hi. I have a custom person reid model that is currently not available in this torchreid library. I want to perform cross dataset validation on that custom-designed model. The model...
Hi, I am trying to download the weights of alexnet from the given link however, I am unable to do so. Can you please share the weights of alexnet?
Hi. I am trying to apply reranking on the MSMT17 dataset, which is one of the largest datasets for person reid. However, when I apply rerank it consumes way too...
Hi I need to create part masks for custom dataset i.e. Market-1501 in my case for Person ReID. How can I do that. The issue is files and folder structure...
Hi. Will you please tell me how can I prepare and train for custom dataset like Market-1501?
I am working on Person-ReID and I have to create part maps for it. However I am not getting how to preprocess custom dataset i.e. Market-1501 ? Need assistance in...