We have to consider who is allowed to move which objects where. One way to do this is to have "move" simply be a "private method" of any object: the...
I talked to Isaac and Chris about this. Isaac opinion was that one of the block proposer needs to be honest but can be anyone from the main chains and...
If we only allow 2-way chimera chains then we are limiting scalability. One way to solve this is allow more than 2-way chimera chains. Since all of these chains need...
Some funds need to be locked for opening a chimera chain. This is mainly because open chimera chains require updating, every time quorums get updated and that can get expensive...
This is more of an engineering issue. Things that need to be figured out: * Transaction encoding * Matchmaking * Communication between acceptors that are not on the overlapping set
Question: Another point we need to discuss is what happens to chimera chains once the conditions dont hold anymore. Are the objects stuck there for ever? What if no one...
HPaxos does not use optimised message passing. We should look into optimisations such as aggregating signatures, re-using messages, etc. BFTree were suggested as the first thing to look into for...