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CEEMDAN_LSTM is a Python project for decomposition-integration forecasting models based on EMD methods and LSTM.
GitHub: https://github.com/FateMurphy/CEEMDAN_LSTM
Future work: CFS
CEEMDAN_LSTM is a Python module for decomposition-integration forecasting models based on EMD methods and LSTM. It aims at helping beginners quickly make a decomposition-integration forecasting by CEEMDAN
, Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (Torres et al. 2011), and LSTM
, Long Short-Term Memory recurrent neural network (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). If you use or refer to the content of this module, please cite the paper: (F. Zhou, Z. Huang, C. Zhang,
Carbon price forecasting based on CEEMDAN and LSTM, Applied Energy, 2022, Volume 311, 118601, ISSN 0306-2619.).
Note, as it decomposes the entire series first, there is some look-ahead bias.
(1) PyPi (recommended)
The quickest way to install the package is through pip.
pip install CEEMDAN_LSTM
(2) From the package
Download the package CEEMDAN_LSTM-1.2.tar.gz
by clicking Code
-> Download ZIP
. After unzipping, move the package where you like.
pip install .(your file path)/CEEMDAN_LSTM-1.2.tar.gz
(3) From source
If you want to modify the code, you should download the code and build the package yourself. The source is publically available and hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/FateMurphy/CEEMDAN_LSTM. To download the code, you can either go to the source code page and click Code
-> Download ZIP
, or use the git command line.
After modifying the code, you can install the modified package by using the command line:
python setup.py install
Or, you can link to the path for convenient modification, eg. sys.path.append(.your file path/)
, and then import.
Import and quickly predict
import CEEMDAN_LSTM as cl
cl.quick_keras_predict(data=None) # default dataset: sse_index.csv
Load dataset
data = cl.load_dataset() # some built-in dataset eg. sp500.csv hsi.csv ftse.csv nsdaq.csv n225.csv
# data = pd.read_csv(your_file_path + its_name + '.csv', header=0, index_col=['date'], parse_dates=['date'])
Help and example
You can use the code to call for help. You can copy the code from the output of cl.show_keras_example()
to run forecasting and help you learn more about the code.
Start to Forecast
Take Class: keras_predictor() as an example.
Brief summary and forecast
data = cl.load_dataset()
series = data['close'] # choose a DataFrame column
kr = cl.keras_predictor()
df_result = kr.hybrid_keras_predict(data=series, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
0. Statistical tests (not necessary)
The code will output the results of the ADF test, Ljung-Box Test, and Jarque-Bera Test, and plot ACF and PACF figures to evaluate stationarity, autocorrelation, and normality.
1. Declare the parameters
Note, when declaring the PATH, folders will be created automatically, including the figure and log folders.
DECOM_MODE='CEEMDAN', INTE_LIST='auto', REDECOM_LIST={'co-imf0':'ovmd'},
USE_TPU=False, **kwargs))
HyperParameters | Description |
PATH | the saving path of figures and logs, eg. 'D:/CEEMDAN_LSTM/' |
FORECAST_HORIZONS | the length of each input row(x_train.shape), which means the number of previous days related to today, also called Timestep, Forecast_horizons, or Sliding_windows_length in some papers |
FORECAST_LENGTH | the length of the days to forecast (test set) |
KERAS_MODEL | the Keras model, eg. 'GRU', 'LSTM', 'DNN', 'BPNN', model = Sequential(), or load_model. |
DECOM_MODE | the decomposition method, eg.'EMD', 'EEMD', 'CEEMDAN', 'VMD', 'OVMD', 'SVMD' |
INTE_LIST | the integration list, eg. 'auto', pd.Dataframe, (int) 3, (str) '233', (list) [0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2], ... |
REDECOM_LIST | the re-decomposition list, eg. '{'co-imf0':'vmd', 'co-imf1':'emd'}', pd.DataFrame |
NEXT_DAY | set True to only predict the next out-of-sample value |
DAY_AHEAD | define to forecast n days' ahead, eg. 0, 1, 2 (default int 1) |
NOR_METHOD | the normalizing method, eg. 'minmax'-MinMaxScaler, 'std'-StandardScaler, otherwise without normalization |
FIT_METHOD | the fitting method to stabilize the forecasting result (not necessarily useful), eg. 'add', 'ensemble' (there some error for ensembleFIT_METHOD, please use add method as default.) |
USE_TPU | change Keras model to TPU model (for Google Colab) |
Keras Parameters | Description (more details refer to https://keras.io) |
epochs | training epochs/iterations, eg. 30-1000 |
dropout | dropout rate of 3 dropout layers, eg. 0.2-0.5 |
units | the units of network layers, which (3 layers) will set to 4units, 2units, units, eg. 4-32 |
activation | activation function, all layers will be the same, eg. 'tanh', 'relu' |
batch_size | training batch_size for parallel computing, eg. 4-128 |
shuffle | whether randomly disorder the training set during the training process, eg. True, False |
verbose | report of the training process, eg. 0 not displayed, 1 detailed, 2 rough |
valid_split | proportion of validation set during the training process, eg. 0.1-0.2 |
opt | network optimizer, eg. 'adam', 'sgd' |
opt_lr | optimizer learning rate, eg. 0.001-0.1 |
opt_loss | optimizer loss, eg. 'mse','mae','mape','hinge', refer to https://keras.io/zh/losses/. |
opt_patience | optimizer patience of adaptive learning rate, eg. 10-100 |
stop_patience | early stop patience, eg. 10-100 |
2. Forecast
You can try the following forecasting methods. Note, kr.
is the class defined in step 1, necessary for the code.
df_result = kr.single_keras_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = kr.ensemble_keras_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = kr.respective_keras_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = kr.hybrid_keras_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = kr.multiple_keras_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
Forecast Method | Description |
Single Method | Use Keras model to directly forecast with vector input |
Ensemble Method | Use decomposition-integration Keras model to directly forecast with matrix input |
Respective Method | Use decomposition-integration Keras model to respectively forecast each IMFs with vector input |
Hybrid Method | Use the ensemble method to forecast high-frequency IMF and the respective method for other IMFs. |
Multiple Method | Multiple runs of the above method |
Rolling Method | Rolling run of the above method to avoid the look-ahead bias, but take a long long time |
3. Validate
(1) Plot heatmap
You need to install seaborn
first, and the input should be 2D-array.
cl.plot_heatmap(data, corr_method='pearson', fig_path=None)
(2) Diebold-Mariano-Test (DM test)
DM test will output the DM test statistics and its p-value. You can refer to https://github.com/johntwk/Diebold-Mariano-Test.
rt = cl.dm_test(actual_lst, pred1_lst, pred2_lst, h=1, crit="MSE", power=2)
4. Next-day Forecast
kr = cl.keras_predictor(NEXT_DAY=True)
df_result = kr.hybrid_keras_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = kr.rolling_keras_predict(data, predict_method='single')
Sklearn Forecast
You can try the following forecasting methods. Note, sr.
is the defined class, necessary for the code.
sr = cl.sklearn_predictor(PATH=path, FORECAST_HORIZONS=30, FORECAST_LENGTH=30,
df_result = sr.single_sklearn_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = sr.respective_sklearn_predict(data, show=True, plot=True, save=True)
# df_result = sr.multiple_sklearn_predict(series_close, run_times=10, predict_method='single')
1. Look-ahead bias
As the predictor will decompose the entire series first before splitting the training and test set, there is a look-ahead bias. It is still an issue about how to avoid the look-ahead bias.
2. VMD decompose
The vmdpy module can only decompose the even-numbered length time series. When forecasting an odd-numbered length one, this module will delete the oldest data point. It is still an issue how to modify VMD decomposition. Moreover, selecting the K parameters is important for the VMD method, and hence, I will add some methods to choose a suitable K, such as OVMD, REI, SampEn, and so on.
3. Rolling forecasting
Rolling forecasting costs a lot of time. Like a 30-forecast-length prediction, it will run 30 times cl.hybrid_keras_predict(), so I am not sure if it is really effective or not.