Farid Aghili
Farid Aghili
Iranian users should use this: https://github.com/freejohn123/mtproto-tls-server
I'm already using this for ~3 months. ________________________________ From: Sergey Prokhorov Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 3:00:56 PM To: seriyps/mtproto_proxy Cc: Farid Aghili ; Mention Subject: Re: [seriyps/mtproto_proxy] TLS FAKE...
Iranian users should use this: https://github.com/freejohn123/mtproto-tls-server
@erfantkerfan Can you please share your `config.py` Mine doesn't work on ADSL internet, it works on Mobile Data thu.
@HirbodBehnam Thank you, looks interesting :| What's the website of Eonix? Couldn't find it in Google!
@freejohn123 Thanks, got a server running as you explained, let's see how long it survives.
@freejohn123 ~~Unfortunately MTProto traffic got blocked in less than 24 hours.~~ ~~Server is still accessible via SSH and browser (nginx html page) but MTProto Proxy doesn't connect.~~ Well, my bad,...
@freejohn123 Sorry, just updated my previous comment!
@masoudelete No, ofc not. don't have any live server atm.
Any news on this?