Fardin Koochaki

Results 11 comments of Fardin Koochaki

I couldn't get a JSFiddle to work (too tired!); but you could simply give your `` tag, a `dir="rtl"` attribute (just the way angular material handles RTL content). But still,...

Ah, it's completely okay. We'll be in the development phase till the end of the week anyway; and I'm already writing simple temporary fixes atop.

Any temporary workarounds for this? Changing the truffle-config file extension to `.cjs` and invoking commands returns the following: ``` Could not find suitable configuration file. Truffle v5.5.3 (core: 5.5.3) Node...

Just found a (seemingly undocumented) `--config` CLI argument that helped with that.

@eggplantzzz Yes, but unfortunately that did not prove useful in my case after all; since I'm also using Ganach. I gave up when I couldn't add my project. In the...

Hi there 👋 I found this thread a couple of days ago when a friend of mine sent me @fortuna's tweet. Since then I have been running some tests (including...

Right on schedule. As reported by Cloudflare Radar there is a shutdown in progress on Iranian mobile carriers. Here is the portscan for AS197207 (MCCI): ``` # Nmap 7.92 scan...

> I wonder if DNS can get out there. Any tests you'd like me to run? I'm about to setup a VPS to try a bunch of protocols over these...

@wkrp thanks for all the info 🙏 Sorry for getting back to you so late. The recent events at SUT and Zahedan have had us all rattled and busy. I...

We were facing the same issue, using `tls.Config` fixed the problem. 🙏