
Results 62 comments of fang

Currently writing a definitions file for a library that has overloaded functions of the shape `function(number)`, `function(number, number)`, etc up to a certain amount of arguments, and wishing there was...

> or some sort of tagged unions Considering they're mentioned here, I'll refrain from opening a separate issue for this, but: supporting tagged unions seems very important to me. Coming...

We've already reached out to Opensea about this issue on their end. The latest upgrade is described in #51 and should get merged as soon as we get a second...

Wait huh, they don't? Last I checked only PlanetSale tests sporadically tripped over a tiny inaccuracy in account balance.

The NFTokenMock function should be consistent until you change the Ecliptic.sol code? iirc there was some web3-side weirdness with function overloading. If that's still a thing, it *might* be fixable...

> I see that there are already 3 document polls outstanding The first one, with the weird hash (starts with 123456789, ends with a date), was a testing poll, and...

For previous discussion, see #2. When making this change, spawn- and child-related logic needs to be re-checked in all contracts. I'm unsure off the top of my head whether it...

The `urbit-meta` channel is currently hosted on four stars, `~binzod`, `~wanzod`, `~marzod` and `~samzod` iirc. `~binzod` is the go-to for bots to connect to (citation needed, I'm sure it's put...

Performance concerns have been alleviated by f9fbfc0 and ffffa74. Together they reduce page rendering times in "many pals with contact details" cases from tens of seconds to tens of _milliseconds_....

We are indeed deep into length-wise naming schemes over here. I'll consider `sponge`, thank you for the suggestion!