Fabio Falsini
Fabio Falsini
Sorry but this feature is not in plan to be added in short period, maybe in the future but I don't know right now cause I'm quite busy...
Hi Maybe one day I'll add it but, right now, such addition is not in planning.
Sorry, I didn't check the documentation regarding Facebook integration than I don't know how their API set work. Currently my library is more Google services related than integration with a...
@ssakone it's the reasons I still want to wait to do the porting. Qt 6 for Android are not complete and new changes can come out. Based to what I...
> i already check the current progress of Qt6.4 but no big progress on it. i think i can hold little more Qt, Well, main problem is Qt teams still...
It confirm what I said before. It's too early to start the porting because they still can change some "critical" part like the JNI interface. Maybe from 6.4 version the...
Hi Can you give me more info regarding how to reproduce the problem? I tried using android 9 to split in vertical mode the demo app and I can see...
Just pulled a new commit. Basically I changed the way the banner is positioned. Please note I don't have a physical device with Android 9 to test with. I can...
Hi Yes, Qt 6 calls are not compatible with version 5. In mobile section a lot of changes has been made than the conde doesn't compile. To start the porting...
It's not a problem of convince me, it's a problem to find the time to make the porting. As already said this is a project I work on my free...