Is there a recommended/standard/supported way to compose queries in javascript in a more flexible/native way than through writing it all into a string? I saw that datascript-mori exists, but seems...
Hi, Is there any project to provide typings? All I could find was some stubs here: https://github.com/gmoskal/datascript-redux-typescript
Just raising an issue to ask if this is still in use and still makes sense to use, sorry to bother
In python 3.5, I get an error running any graph, from line 304 in mdf.runner: multiprocessing.util.active_children() I'm guessing that either this has been moved in a newer version of python...
Currently, calva sends over the special variables as whatever arbitrary selection of strings fit the profile, eg. ``` \"" " ``` then the commands are attempted to be executed as...
A common use case (I'm guessing, since that's what I'm doing) is to: Define models => do operations in dfs => save back down as models This is kind of...
This fails in :lsp, works in :clj: `(reduce-kv (fn [acc i v] (-> acc (update :ks conj i) (update :vs conj v))) {:ks [] :vs []} [:a :b :c])`