Falk M.

Results 4 comments of Falk M.

Hi, i don't understand why this tiny bit of information is not getting updated to newer leaflet versions. It breaks my Pipelines if i don't install my dependencies with force.

@skipjack Thanks for your work, i edited this comment 5 times until i made it work, revoked all my snippets. Still theres my question why your equal snippet checks for...

Unfortunately my PR has not been accepted. I don't know why exactly the !== method makes more sense than the equals method with is catching any non usable values and...

@YUzhva Hey, sorry for late answer, i should subscribe this thread. And Yes i'm using the latest react-leaflet version `"react-leaflet": "^2.4.0", "react-leaflet-markercluster": "^2.0.0-rc3"` I still have a working npm-patch script...