Faisal Fagihi

Results 5 issues of Faisal Fagihi

Some of Categories are empty in a some of low Visibility levels (ex: Beginner), If all their registers are higher than this level then don't show the category at all.


Using DatagridView is good for selecting rows instead of only cells like now with the Grid container .


Like the DataGridView in eBus Device control.


Use GenICam Events triggers to validate the commands instead of using IReplyPacket Interface that been implemented in Gvcp.Core project


@Touseefelahi How can IsSent property be false in the same time its true at IsSentAndRelpyReceived property !! ![gvcpReply](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16847890/93851999-df13fd80-fcb9-11ea-8112-0a470b5af796.PNG)
