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C# Bindings for the Vulkan API & SPIR-V

Results 25 SharpVk issues
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Bumps [Newtonsoft.Json]( from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1. Release notes Sourced from Newtonsoft.Json's releases. 13.0.1 New feature - Add JsonSelectSettings with configuration for a regex timeout Change - Remove portable assemblies from...


The UniformBuffers example in the SharpVk-Samples repo defines this type to enable the application to pass arguments into the shaders: ```cs private struct UniformBufferObject { public mat4 Model; public mat4...

Are there any plans to update the api. There's been many updates that are missing and can't be added natively if we want to use the new feature,

In `SharpVk/Khronos/Swapchain.gen.cs`, `AcquireNextImage` is only throwing when the return code is an error (eg. `VK_ERROR_SURFACE_LOST_KHR`). But silently ignores non-success code like `VK_TIMEOUT` & `VK_NOT_READY` and incorrectly returns `0` instead.

I'm referring to the new category column for profiling events introduced in VS 2019: ![image]( With no additional markup, the profiler has no idea that these calls are actually `Graphics`...

The validation layers throw lots of VKStructureType warnings at me when using different structs. Here is an example: > vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout: pCreateInfo->pNext chain includes a structure with unexpected VkStructureType VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO; Allowed...

I am trying to create an android example app but I keep failing when trying to call CreateAndroidSurface from the Instance: at at System.Object:wrapper_native_0x7820814f5c at :invoke_Result_Instance_AndroidSurfaceCreateInfo*_AllocationCallbacks*_Surface* at SharpVk.Khronos.InstanceExtensions:CreateAndroidSurface I cant...

I'm experiencing slow compile times when using SharpVk (v0.4.2). The compiler appears to consuming copious amounts of RAM such that it spills swap/pagefile on Hello Triangle, which I don't normally...

There's no cleanup in SharpVk.Interop.NativeLibrary. A standard setup will call `SharpVk.Instance.EnumerateExtensionProperties`, `SharpVk.Instance.EnumerateVersion`, `SharpVk.Instance.Create` and probably more. All of these create new instances of `NativeLibrary`, all getting a handle to `vulkan-1.dll`,...

It generates: ```cs var fieldPointer = new SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsLabel[(uint)(QueueLabelCount)]; ``` Instead of: ```cs var fieldPointer = new SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsLabel[(uint)(pointer->QueueLabelCount)]; ```