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C# Bindings for the Vulkan API & SPIR-V

Results 25 SharpVk issues
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`vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties` is in this library as `PhysicalDevice.EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties`, duplicating the term `Device`. However, `vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties` is `Instance.EnumerateExtensionProperties`, the second `Instance` has been dropped. Same for `Enumerate(Thing)LayerProperties`.

This is mainly an issue for `DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData`, which contains `DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo[]`, and thus is transitively not unmarshalled for use in `CreateDebugUtilsMessenger`, I'm currently doing this: ```cs using System; namespace SharpVk.Multivendor {...

The `.gen` version of `SharpVk.Instance.Create` has the following prototype: ```cs public static unsafe SharpVk.Instance Create(CommandCache commandCache, ArrayProxy? enabledLayerNames, ArrayProxy? enabledExtensionNames, SharpVk.InstanceCreateFlags? flags = default(SharpVk.InstanceCreateFlags?), SharpVk.ApplicationInfo? applicationInfo = default(SharpVk.ApplicationInfo?), SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallbackCreateInfo? debugReportCallbackCreateInfoExt...

I've found a rather odd bug in which the delegate used for DebugReportCallback is garbage collected, thus causing a random crash when the native handler calls it during the next...

- [ ] Matrix type support - [x] Matrix type declaration - [x] Matrix types in Uniform Buffers - [ ] Generalise to all structs containing matrices - [ ]...

These commands are successfully generated but need exercising in sample code: - Device initialization - [x] vkCreateInstance - [x] vkDestroyInstance - [x] vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices - [x] vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures - [x] vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties -...

May it would be good to get a "real" object or null instead of the ulong @object. Is this possible? public unsafe delegate Bool32 DebugReportCallbackDelegate(DebugReportFlags flags, ortObjectType objectType, ulong @object,...

I tried other Vulkan c# at github, SharpVK is the only one that make the sample run in windows 10 Request for an UWP app sample :-)

I think even tough GLFW is here used for Vulkan that it would be nice to complete it. For example I'm using it for Vulkan and would like to use... ``` var arrayValue = offsets.GetArrayValue(); offsetsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(arrayValue.Array); marshalledOffsets = (DeviceSize*)(offsetsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (int)(MemUtil.SizeOf() * arrayValue.Offset)).ToPointer(); ``` Maybe I don't understand something, but here not **pinned** GCHandle calls AddOf**Pinned**Object() and...