umamusume-db-translate copied to clipboard
Translate Umamusume by patching master.mdb
On [line 443]( (as of writing this issue), the translation for this skill description shown below is blank for the skill, "I Never Goof Up!": Original skill description: `レース終盤のコーナーで\n中団以降のポジションから追い抜くと\nちょっと前を目指す` The...
Is it possible if I put up translations for other table data? E.g _race_jikkyo_comment_ Since the current ones seems like it only replace _text_data_ only.
- Replacing `トウカイテイオー` to `帝王` in `name.csv`  - Then it replaces the translated `帝王` to `Teio・Emperor` in `title.csv`  - Solution I think: can use the category id to...