Fabio Silva

Results 7 comments of Fabio Silva

Hi @rcalcover. Thanks for looking into it.. I think you don't need `_ArduinoFakeInstanceGetter2(SPIClass, SPIClass)` in this case.. Also think that the implementation for `SPIClass::begin` and other static methods need to...

Hi.. How are you running it ? platformio cli or idea ? Can you please paste the output you get ?

@r89m, Thanks for looking into it.. that looks promising. The "fakeit/fakeit.hpp" file is just a directly copy of the the standalone version of https://github.com/eranpeer/FakeIt. We should be able to upgrade...

Thanks everyone.. PR https://github.com/FabioBatSilva/ArduinoFake/pull/37 got merged, will publish a new version next.

You trying to run the tests with ArduinoFake on a dev board ? This is mean to run on native platform (your desktop or ci)

Hi, I'm not planing on working on it, But I think it should be supported. But there are instructions here explaining how to make a PR adding support : https://github.com/FabioBatSilva/ArduinoFake/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md...

@wraybowling I mean something we should support. Yes, something that you or someone else interested can contribute following the example/doc i linked.