
Results 5 issues of JuStach

Hello, ## Expected Behavior EC2 instances should stay up. ## Actual Behavior When using AWS and since really soon, All instances with the tag "Proxy" is automatically terminated by AWS....

Hi, I just noticed some strange problem with tags. With the below simplified spec, notice the difference about the tag case (**Export** vs **export**) : ``` openapi: 3.0.3 info: title:...

help wanted

Hello ! Here is a way to make clean and separated template instead of writing them in variables ? Thanks for your help !

Got an error after adding then removing a column multiple times in the destination table: ``` NOTICE: BULK LOAD START ,ERROR: copy failed: ERROR: function return row and target table...

Is there a way to filter out some rows from a CSV with a FILTER or any other way? Like with Postgres COPY: ``` COPY "schema"."table" FROM 'input.csv' (format csv)...