Fabien Roger
Fabien Roger
Do be honest, I find it difficult to have the motivation to go to the tournesol webpage and rate videos I marked as "rate later". Maybe I would use it...
Put the language options for recommendations and interface languages in a proper menu, so they are in a place where a description of what they are is put: - you...
I think this line is wrong and should pass X_dev & y_dev as "X_dev/y_dev" parameters. https://github.com/shauli-ravfogel/rlace-icml/blob/2d9b6d03f65416172b4a2ca7f6da10e374002e5f/rlace.py#L188 X_dev & y_dev are not used inside the whole function.
In `watermarking/watermark_processors/message_model_processor.py` `decoded_message, decoded_prob = decoded_probs.max(0)` should be `decoded_prob, decoded_message = decoded_probs.max(0)`