
Results 20 comments of FabCreator

If a 3d printing function is made, be awesome if you could include a SLS type! laser rastering i think is the biggest task for that?

If i disconnect, and then reconnect, I no longer get the hold state and i can start the job again from the start. Origin is remembered. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19230933/35652382-ae33ac66-06e3-11e8-80c7-59d1e6d49910.png) It would appear...

Okay so i have got to the point I can reliably trigger the error but this time it freeze up the smoothie board. so i have to reset it or...

http://community.fabcreator.com/t/fabkit-mk5-laser-web-settings-and-profiles/115 Here are all the info regarding the set up. Its currently running 4.0989 I will install the latest laser web now, We were running the lasest CNC firmware, but...

By pressing the X or Y max limit switch, i get this. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19230933/35681246-13b63c06-075d-11e8-914c-22f3795fc1a6.png)

[Smoothie board error.txt](https://github.com/LaserWeb/LaserWeb4/files/1685709/Smoothie.board.error.txt) This is a copy of the text. As you can see it goes mad with the duplications of the error. The smoothie board freezes and sometimes the...

Its starting to look like it may be a smoothie thing. Testing with pronterface can get the same results. Interestingly when it decides to freak out it reports the X...

Okay, so i have just experienced a random Hold. Machine has halted, smoothie is still flashing normally, no mention of a disconnect ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19230933/35690525-69455684-0776-11e8-8220-a7f62c0db44a.png) If i click pause it then says...