Hey there, so first of all, a big thank you for making this tool, its greatly appreciated! I am using Logitech G Pro X Wireless headset and I was amazed...
**What feature would you like added to BetterUI?** I'd like to have an option to either choose custom font or atleast Montserrat so it would fit with RiskUI. Thanks
### System OS Windows ### Python Version 3.11 (CPython) ### Install Source pip / PyPi ### Install version / commit hash 4.2.4 ### Expected Behavior vs Actual Behavior Expected Behavior:...
**Logs:** **Steps to Reproduce:** 1. Create new Forge server 2. Run with command `java -Xms2048M -Xmx$4096M -Dterminal.jline=false -Dterminal.ansi=true -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/${version}/unix_args.txt nogui` 3. Connect to server with OP account and...
## **Information** Minecraft version: 1.21.1 Modloader: Fabric Mod name: End Portal Recipe ## **Feature description** It would be nice to have the option to toggle off the dragon egg drop...
## **Information** Minecraft version: 1.21.1 Modloader: Forge Forge version: 52.0.15 Environment: Singleplayer and Multiplayer First mod name: Breedable Killer Rabbit First mod version: 3.7 Second mod name: Dragon Mounts Legacy...