Błażej Roszkowski
Błażej Roszkowski
You can only save to files named by const char \* paths. This is a limitation of stb_image_writer which is used for saving images (and by extension - this is...
That worked even on windows?
Maybe something else is wrong then with @GuiTeK code or source file encoding. This is still a missing 'feature', you can load from file in memory but can't save to...
stb allows writing png to memory buffer too but SFML doesn't expose that function, just the filename ones that write pixels to a specified file in the specified format.
If FILE's size changed (very common when editing text) it will do (potentially a lot, if the change is very deep into file) needless work, instead of just checking size...
That'd enable scripts to use zstd cli to do what I mentioned. Only problem I can imagine is multi-frame file with hash per frame. El lun, 17 oct 2022 23:50,...
@Cyan4973 I've written the code to add printing checksum for single frame files with `-v -l` here: https://github.com/facebook/zstd/compare/dev...FRex:zstd:feature-zstd-cli-print-xxhash If you find it acceptable I can create a PR or you...
@eXpl0it3r @ChrisThrasher Take a look at this above and at the repo with example program and fix, and decide if this is a problem that should be fixed. Maybe binary1248...
That test sounds okay, but more strings and fonts can be tested. Not all texts will change bounds with underline added, e.g. "AgA" due to wide As and long tail...
There was once a discussion on the forum about text bounds: https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=24985.0 It was me, exploiter and Laurent. It was only about trailing and leading spaces in text making the...