Thanks for your quick reply to my question. > Wait are you saying that you are hosting your own git server? Or are you merely accessing the git repository using...
Thanks again for the help. You helped me realize I really understood nothing and needed to learn. I read some of the manual on git-scm.com and got SyncOrg working finally....
@wizmer Thank you I will. Am working on it now.
Have this problem as well using on Lineage 7.1.1(Nougat) installed from F-Droid. Doesn't crash but directory is empty and get "Failed to create folder" when I try to create...
So this might be a workaround... Using a file manager, create a folder in your home directory on the internal SD. For example SyncOrg. When setting up the parent folder,...
The TODO states defined in various files are available in all files. SyncOrg seems to hang on to states defined in files that are deleted. Would be nice if each...