
Results 12 issues of 叶子

少数派、小众软件这两个源不打算加一下? 另外礼貌催更邮件订阅,顺便帮忙找 Bug。

VS Code has more powerful features and extensions, let's move on.

毕竟 2 已经要停止维护了

能不能做一个 Docker Compose 文件,把所有需要申请的腾讯云相关鉴权信息放到环境变量里,我们只需要填写,然后 docker conpose up -d 就可以使用了。

如果作者开发一个从特定文章获取数据的功能,也许会提升运行效率。 看了目前的爬虫代码,是从个人主页获取的,但是文章中获取好像有点难,开发工具里找不到对应的网络请求。 要爬的字段主要是这几个: - 简书钻 - 阅读量 - 发布时间 - 点赞量 - 评论量 后两个已经可以解决了,前三个可以在 Html 中找到,但直接 Get 获取不到,看网络请求发现没有,应该是 JS 发起请求再填充进去的,但我没有 JS 开发能力,没办法解析代码。 初步定位到请求应该来自 _app.js 这个文件,不知道具体怎么发起的,居然可以隐藏网络请求。 最后,我自己有个简书爬虫库,主页的 JianshuResearchTools 就是,也用的 Requests 和...


When I go through the documentation of [Input](https://pynecone.io/docs/library/forms/input) component, I noticed that we should support autocomplete feature. Just googled and found [chakra-ui-simple-autocomplete](https://www.npmjs.com/package/chakra-ui-simple-autocomplete), a Chakra UI related library licensed in MIT....

feature request

I want to display some data, with a column called article title which can be up to 30 chars ( If it is too long, I will strip it ),...


Since we are able to access query params by use `State.get_query_params()` method in #244 , I am wondering to have access to Cookies and LocalStorage. Cookies and LocalStorage object's behavior...

feature request

We are working on a new component to add customize script to compile output, but we also need a way to run Javascript code to access Cookie and LocalStorage (...

feature request

referance: [Toast - Charka UI](https://chakra-ui.com/docs/components/toast) To display a error toast at the bottom of screen: ```python pc.toast("Something wrong happend", type\_="error") pc.toast_error("Something wrong happend") ``` Set toast appear place: ```python pc.toast("Success!",...

feature request