Fady Attia
Fady Attia
**What happened?** SAML2 Exception Responder I have read the previous issues about the "Responder" error and the fact that it means that it is caused by the IdP. in my...
After a discussion with Luke and Zoe on what they might need soon as a new interactive element, they decided to go with a view Switcher. https://uikit.commercetools.com/?path=/story/components-viewswitcher--viewswitcher-with-icons @zbalek please Zoe,...
After a discussion with Luke and Zoe on what they might need soon as a new interactive element, they decided to go with a collapsible panel. https://uikit.commercetools.com/?path=/story/components-panels--collapsiblemotion @zbalek please Zoe,...
Things to consider - should we track the video completion and progress through GA? - Moodle has a boolean status for completion only. - a user must be enrolled into...
currently the overview page gets marked completed automatically. we need to clean up after the self learning have clickable chapter titles and they get rid of the overview pages
scripts + hooks
Goal less plugins; 1. `theme-constants` && `theme-code-examples` into `theme-docs` 2. `theme-transformer-raml` into `theme-api-docs` 3. `theme-api-docs` into `theme-docs` (to be discussed)
We need to embed the SVGs into the DOM and not use them via the `img` tag to be able to adjust the styling
Goal Get rid of Whatever custom rules for external packages that we have examples ```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] `.yarnrc`=>lmdb .. try to get rid of the custom rules...