Jason Zhaoxin Fan
Jason Zhaoxin Fan
I used your code to caculate NUC, it is much different.... NUC is [ 1.18161424 0.72555931 0.55995192 0.44692123 0.37801268 0.31618401 0.28967513] AVG= 0.128927902015 STD= 0.237026619374 why?
> Can you please give more details, why you cannot download the pre-trained model? Thanks. I didn't make any changes of the source code except that I use tensorflow 2.4.0....
I have solve the problem!it is because of the python version! Pickle in py3 is something diffirent with that cpikle in py2
Hi!I don't konw the real reason.But when I use python2.7, the pickle file i generate is the same as that provided by Charles Qi. So i think there must be...
My pikle file is on KITTI,not sunrgbd ---Original--- From: "吴杰隆"
问题出在python版本,用python2.7生成是没有问题的。 ---Original--- From: "zx970505"
sunrgbd的话不是很清楚了 ---Original--- From: "zx970505"
> Hi, > > You can add the below code snippets to https://github.com/google-research-datasets/Objectron/blob/master/objectron/dataset/eval.py#L187 to evaluate symmetric objects. > > It first rotates the ground truth box along its vertical axis...