Results 18 issues of FANG-MING

Thanks for your contribution and we appreciate it a lot. The following instructions would make your pull request more healthy and more easily get feedback. If you do not understand...

Thanks for your contribution and we appreciate it a lot. The following instructions would make your pull request more healthy and more easily get feedback. If you do not understand...

## Motivation Add support for knet. ## Modification 1. Add MaskCost which is used in K-Net 2. Add K-Net framework 3. Add KernelUpdator which is used to update Kernel weight....

I had trained the network with backbone is res18,but cannot attach 68.4 f1-score in culane dataset. Coudle you help me? thanks

### 问题确认 Search before asking - [X] 我已经搜索过问题,但是没有找到解答。I have searched the question and found no related answer. ### 请提出你的问题 Please ask your question ```pip install -r requirements.txt``` 但是安装失败 ``` ERROR:...

when i input ninja -v ,but i get ninja: error: loading '': No such file or directory

when i install opencv, and add 'export OpenCV_DIR=/home/fms/app' to .zshrc,but i got dircolors: /home/fms/.dircolors: 没有那个文件或目录 -bash: ${(@s.:.)LS_COLORS}:错误的替换 autoload:未找到命令 unsetopt:未找到命令 bindkey:未找到命令 -bash: /home/xxx/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh: 没有那个文件或目录 Command 'thefuck' not found, but can be...

when i use CrossEntropyLoss(),it has aproblem:RuntimeError: 1only batches of spatial targets supported (non-empty 3D tensors) but got targets of size: : [16, 513, 513, 4]