Results 14 comments of FALL1N1

Thank you, really appreciated! I can confirm that the issue is indeed resolved. (ref: https://prnt.sc/wq_OqROhw37o)

Uncomment your part> ``` /*if (!instance->CheckRequiredBosses(DATA_BLOOD_QUEEN_LANA_THEL, who->ToPlayer())) { EnterEvadeMode(); instance->DoCastSpellOnPlayers(LIGHT_S_HAMMER_TELEPORT); return; }*/ ``` and comment only //instance->DoCastSpellOnPlayers(LIGHT_S_HAMMER_TELEPORT); as temp solution.. this won't teleport players back to light's hammer but it...

so many ungrateful people here.. lol

easy fix, hint: http://prntscr.com/bhnmvc