> I did have multiple controlnets enabled in webui, but I set it back to 1 and still the same issue.
> "input_image" is string not List, like` "input_image": ""` I tried passing it as a string instead of a list, but no change: "input_image": encoded_image,
I ran exactly this test script (except for changing input file name to a valid one), but it still did not engage canny model or use CN. It just generated...
> I tested your launch cmd and config file. It works without problem. The only possiblility is that your model hash mismatch make sure it is d14c016b if you use...
> I rolled back the old commit, in the 9eeb71 commit the example code is working, but in the latest commit the example code is not working, maybe some changes...
So, I just started with a clean install of a1111, installed controlnet, ran the controlnet test script provided by @lllyasviel. It looks like it's at least trying to use controlnet,...
Yes please!! +++++++
Came here for this exact question! API integration would be a game changer for me. Really hope to see it at some point.
Same here. I don't know why SDXL + AnimateDiff seems to have fallen by the wayside. Really hoping for a better motion model soon. The current model results range from...