
Results 9 comments of Ezerbeth

First, ps needs to be changed. I used: ps -o ppid $ppid | tail -1 But there's probably a better set of options. Second, there's no "shred" command on FreeBSD.The...

Well it's possible. I'm not sure how exactly though. Woke up to it my phone powered off this morning, so I assume I left it on with a high load...

I figured it out, I'm using one of these ![hdmi-splitter-1x4-rear-new](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6475435/17552163/334aacf4-5ecc-11e6-83e5-06d646632098.jpg) on one of my monitors. When the phone powers on but another screen is active, the device gets the signal...

Pretty sure I had the same problem with stock. Could it be related to [this](https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=81478&q=ringing&colspec=ID%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars%20Reporter%20Opened)?

+1. Stock recovery is only necessary for OTA anyway.

I've noticed the same but haven't been able to pull any logs so far. For me, there is no real pattern. So far I'm using it in one location and...

It used to work fine on Sierra but it stopped working on High Sierra. I think this project is now abandonware, so time to move on to another IRC client.

Same problem here. Even quitting CoRD will make it crash. Used to work fine on Yosemite, not usable on El Capitan.

I tried compiling the source but getting problems with developer keys and such... Ended up using a competing product instead.