If the bahviour is on purpose, then there should be a better error message. And it should be documented.
The documentation should state clearly, that jdeb only supports a subset of the control file specification. Especially that is doesn't support multiple packages. I can't find that in the current...
http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html ``` A control file consists of one or more paragraphs of fields[33]. The paragraphs are separated by blank lines. Some control files allow only one paragraph; others allow several,...
We're creating several packages from the same sources for different scenarios, that can be installed individually. I already have a control file, that is used with Ant. After switching to...
@tcurdt: As far as I understand it, we're creating a source package and multiple binary packages. The control file is here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WollMux/WollMux/master/lhmdeb/control @ebourg: I'm aware of that. But then I...
We're already working on a different solution. I wish I could give you the money to work on this. Maven could use a comprehensive plugin for making Debian packages.
It wasn't meant as critisism. jdeb just isn't what I need right now.
@e-schultz Could you release the latest versions to npmjs.com? The last version there is 6.5.8-0.
_Sorry, I was using the wrong account._ If the class is in the namespace it can be imported like this: import { LdapAuth } from 'ldapauth-fork'; Which is nicer and...