Eyck Blank

Results 3 comments of Eyck Blank

Here I have found anything. https://codedocu.de/Details_mobile?d=2144&z=1&t=C%23%2C+Winforms%3A+error+CS1061%3A+PropertyStore+enth%C3%A4lt+keine+Definition+f%C3%BCr+Settings But I havn't understood it. Regards and thanks Eyck Blank

Now, I have solved this problem by my self. Thank you for patiently listening ! Whats happen - shits happen ! Installing ESAPIX, upgrading .NET4.5.0 to .NET4.5.2 and last and...

If I upgrade .NET4.5.2 to .NET4.6.1, I do not need the ESAPIX- and ESAPI Essential NuGets ! Kindest regards Eyck Blank