Peter F Bradshaw
Peter F Bradshaw
This bug also occurs when using the SkyLines 'Live' Web display.
So, I've still to see any argument (convincing or otherwise) that supports any change.
So, I don't think I've ever tried to estimate a distance from the screen. How often does this situation arises?
Well, it seems to me, that turnspoints only have significance in the context of tasks. Otherwise, a turnpoint is just an arbitrary point which has no more significance than the...
As I messaged you previously I have your branch on this subject. I've not yet had a chance to have a close look, test, etc. But it is on my...
To be addressed by the pull request that will, soon, replace [#148](
OK, Thanks for the tip.
> Great! Note that you don't have to create a new Pull Request but can force-push the updated commits to the original `Exadios:ticket_1687_on_master` branch and re-open the old Pull Request....
OK. Thanks.
The console report (Firefox) of a failed page load:  It doesn't make much sense to me.