Ewout ter Hoeven

Results 224 comments of Ewout ter Hoeven

Microsoft has an excellent guide on how to make applications DPI aware on Windows - [High DPI Desktop Application Development on Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/hidpi/high-dpi-desktop-application-development-on-windows#dpi-awareness-mode)

Maybe even better: ZopfliPNG (https://github.com/google/zopfli)

Thanks for getting back so quickly, and being open for feedback! > As I understand, by creating branches corresponding to tagged releases we have well-defined and fixed codebase corresponding to...

@lu-zero Homebrew [requires](https://docs.brew.sh/Formula-Cookbook) at least one tagged version. Is there a release that can be tagged as 0.0.1? Or maybe we can do weekly releases untill we tag things as...

@jbeich The more the merrier :). For CI the Ubuntu LTS versions (14.04, 16.04 and 18.04) and Debian Stable are the most important. For general use Manjaro, Mint, MX Linux,...

@jbeich does the packaging status badge get updated automatically? > Maybe at least publish pre-built executables for various linuxes to Github releases? @vi Will probably integrate it into Travis somewhere...

@DiamondLovesYou Nice work! Could you resolve the conflicts and rebase your branch on xiph:master?

@tdaede I would like to run some performance and bdr tests, could you resolve the conflicts and rebase this branch?

Did a quick test on 20 1080p frames from the same video with 8-bit and 10-bit version. This is the current performance delta: | FPS | 8-bit | 10-bit |...

#1145 helps unblock building for Python 3.11. > Good news, this issue is resolved by the fiona==1.9a2 pre-release, which can be built for Python 3.11 Awesome! Could we get wheel...