与 #540 无关。 参考 https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/issues/199#issuecomment-1660741101 需要加上 `text/event-stream` header cloudflare才会no proxy buffer 改写nginx反代: ```diff location /api/openai/chat { proxy_pass http://your_backend_service; # 添加或更改响应头 +++ add_header Content-Type text/event-stream; # 你通常需要关闭缓冲 proxy_buffering off; #其他配置,如websocketset header...
My suggestion would be to place the above-mentioned content on external links (such as CDN hosting, or within the website directory). This can at least reduce the read/write operations on...
Hi, Any proposal for the content resouces?
/area apiserver
Not tested yet. I will tested it within the next few hours.
HI, Here I comes same issue here on linux.
Hi all, for who come to this as the same issue here with crt problem. https://kubesphere.io/zh/blogs/kubesphere-etcd/ The solution for me is that need manually add a secret for this prometheus...