> FWIW, `#[doc(hidden)]` can be used to remove the methods from the rustdoc while leaving them publicly accessible. (See https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/the-doc-attribute.html#dochidden, [rust-lang/api-guidelines#27](https://github.com/rust-lang/api-guidelines/issues/27), and https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/documentation.html#rustdoc-does-not-show-unhelpful-implementation-details-c-hidden) In my understanding, the `#[doc(hidden)]` macro is...
> Something like this sounds good to me. Would you @Evian-Zhang (or anyone else) be interested in collecting a list of pub functions that are candidates for pub(crate)? > >...
If we write `const_bitflags_or` as (since the delimiter can be anything): ```rust macro_rules! const_bitflags_or { ( $Flags: ty, $( $flag: ident )|+ ) => { ::from_bits_truncate(0 $(| ::$flag.bits())+) }; }...
事实上,在升级了Ubuntu 22.04后,使用目前的通过apt-key系统全局信任GPG公钥的方法,在使用`apt-get update`等命令时,会产生warning(以docker镜像为例): ```plaintext W: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/docker-ce/linux/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details. ``` 可以参考[这个回答](https://askubuntu.com/a/1398346)解决此问题。
From [The Rust Programming Language section 7.4](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch07-04-bringing-paths-into-scope-with-the-use-keyword.html#creating-idiomatic-use-paths): > ## Creating Idiomatic `use` Paths > > Although both Listing 7-11 and 7-13 accomplish the same task, Listing 7-11 is the idiomatic...
经过尝试,GitHub其实只开通了xlarge版的macOS aarch64的runner,那玩意儿要充值的团队或者商业版用户才能用。
`macos-latest` runner已经支持了arm64版本,不用充值就可以使用了。不过目前官方正在迁移过程中(),所以暂时用`macos-14`作为runner。之后迁移完成可以改成`macos-latest`。
Come across this issue when I tried to find a solution for in-page tocs. This is such a great job and I wonder why not file a PR to merge...
@weltkante Thank you for your quick response:) From my experience dealing with emulated memory model, I cannot come up with an "easily"-implemented buffered reader of bytes in emulated memories. A...
Thank you for notifying me this API. Yes, StreamCodeReader is a perfect API for my problem. However, I'm using Rust, and the Rust version doesn't have such API. Strange...