Evert Bunschoten
Evert Bunschoten
@pcarruscag Yes I want to introduce the multilayer perceptron as an option for users and developers for things like data-driven fluid models. Do you think it would be good to...
Of course I'll provide an example of an MLP input file, as well as a python script I wrote that translates an MLP trained through TensorFlow to such an input...
Yes I'm still working on this
> Hi Pedro, thanks for your reply. I don't know how to safely typedef the mlpdouble type the way you suggested. I thought you meant that I just had to...
> Thanks Pedro!
> I'll ignore the request for review the same way you ignored my questions shrug Could you clarify your questions? I sent you a message on Slack.
> I get the idea but from the numerical standpoint this is an even worse idea than the way we do fluid-fluid interfaces. Additive decomposition of elliptic equations is not...
> Okay, then allow me to save you guys some time, implement something similar to what we use for the FEA solver. See the use of `element_properties` in CFEASolver.cpp. Thanks...
 Was able to run a case with fluid and two solids with contact resistance between the solid domains. By setting a non-zero contact resistance between the solid domains there...
> I get the idea but from the numerical standpoint this is an even worse idea than the way we do fluid-fluid interfaces. Additive decomposition of elliptic equations is not...