KeePass-ExeIconPicker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
KeePass-ExeIconPicker copied to clipboard

ExeIconPicker plugin for KeePass 2.x


GitHub release GitHub license

ExeIconPicker plugin for KeePass 2.x is a plugin that let you grab an icon from a Windows executable file (.exe), a library (.dll) or an icon file (.ico) and use it as an entry or group icon.

Context Menu Preview


  • Prerequisites
  • Installation
  • Build
  • Contributing
  • Copyright and license


  • KeePass 2.20 or newer
  • Windows 7 or newer
  • .Net Framework 3.5


Manual installation

  • Download the plugin in .plgx format.
  • Copy the file in your KeePass plugins directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass\Plugins).
  • Restart KeePass if it was already running.

Chocolatey 📦

Or you can use Chocolatey to install it in a more automated manner:

choco install keepass-exe-icon-picker

To upgrade KeePass Plugin Exe Icon Picker to the latest release version for enjoying the newest features, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

choco upgrade keepass-exe-icon-picker


In order to build the plugin yourself, you will need to modify KeePassDir in the build.cmd file accorded to your KeePass installation folder.

Then you just need to run build.cmd and launch KeePass.


If you want to help the project, open a new issue or create a new pull request.

Copyright and license

ExeIconPicker is licensed under the Mit License.

IconExtractor library is under the BSD License and owned by Tsuda Kageyu, you can get it here.

Also, some parts of my plugin are inspired by the great plugin Yet Another Favicon Downloader, so thanks to the author.