Evan Michaels
Evan Michaels
Won't be an option for this. This is only the cast for ER because the exploit is not supported by the APL. Current released version does not have the most...
Are you actually sure there are numerous scenarios where you don't want to use SnD? This seems more harmful than useful in a general sense. SnD is almost always worth...
I don't mind adding more NPCs to the auto priority list, however I'd need to know what NPCs those map to in order to confirm. Perhaps we can support a...
Pretty tricky since trinket support is still very module-specific. I think this is something that may need to wait until we make trinkets more defined on a global level. I...
This may be possible, although any "enrage only" option would be fairly impractical for Assassination given that it is a core rotational ability. I don't believe we have any existing...