Section 2.6 *Compatibility with Other Packages and Classes* of the manual should mention package `enumitem` and state it is incompatible with `beamer`. See [here](https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/667948/21685).
A simple way of initializing a pydrive.GoogleDrive object fails when pydrive is replaced by pydrive2
The following code works when executed in Google Colab. The code is, in fact, copied from one of the official Google Colab tutorials, the one titled [External data: Local Files,...
Please enable the same bibliography to contain some bibliographic entries that are left-aligned with left-to-right text flow, and other entries that are right-aligned with right-to-left text flow. This would make...
Please add native support of Hebrew numerals. It should be possible to write ``` \begin{enumerate}[(א)] \item אוהל \item בית \item גמל גדול \end{enumerate} ``` and get the list > (א)...