 i am also having issue installing it for cura 5.4.0 and according to the log seems to be an sdk version issue
> And you are using the latest version of RawMouse? Yes, I believe, 1.2.1 right? That is the one labeled as the latest on here. Cura is 5.4.0 I did...
> Hmm, the last couple of RawMouse releases do support SDK level 8 so I wonder if somehow you are loading an old version. Where did you install RawMouse? ...
 > What other plugins are in the plugins folder? Is there another, earlier, RawMouse?  that all my plug-ins in the folder. Also there is no other cura version...
> What other plugins are in the plugins folder? Is there another, earlier, RawMouse? Good News it working now, not sure why tho, i just given my pc a restart...
> Ah, good! Thank you for the help and creating this plugin. Strange it needed a full pc restart but if it works it works I am not going to...