Ev Haus

Results 30 issues of Ev Haus

In some cases, I want a slider that controls the "end" value or the "start" value, but not both. For example: - A date range which starts from "any date"...


Is it possible to have a dateRangeSlider but with user-editable values like the editRangeSlider has?


Fixes the issue described in: - #58 This PR ensures that responses and rejections of the API handler, as well as middlewares is passed through all the way the promise...

**Describe the bug** I'm using `next-api-middleware` to create a middleware that does some validation and aborts the API handler if the validation fails. This middleware never calls `next()` and instead...

We're having some intermittent issues with our Buildkite GitHub integration. Some PR builds randomly fail with this: ``` Preparing working directory | 9s -- | --   | $ cd /var/buildkite/builds/bk-agent-agent-64b47594c8-pqd6l-1/myproject/myproject  ...


On Windows, when I Ctrl+C the `npm watch` command, it kills the webpack server, but keeps the koa server alive in the background (which has to be killed via the...


Hi there. Another adventurer trying to migrate from `babel-jest` to `esbuild-jest`. I'm noticing that many tests which use `jest.mock` are failing with: ``` Do not import `@jest/globals` outside of the...

Hi there, We're trialing Coveralls. We work in a monorepo so it's great that Coveralls supports the job "flag-name" values so that we can submit coverage for different packages inside...


Hi there, We're trialing Coveralls. I've set it up via GH Actions using [coveralls-github-action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/coveralls-github-action) with the following configuration: ``` - name: Coveralls continue-on-error: true uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN...


Would it be possible to implement a parallel execution mode for this plugin? The goal is to have flow checks happen in parallel to webpack builds so that webpack builds...