Feiyang(Vance) Chen

Results 12 comments of Feiyang(Vance) Chen

@Ronlee12355 Thanks for your comments~ Welcome to any contribution to this repo~

@LinuxBeginner Please refer to `README.md`. *To train a multi-modal NMT model, use the train_mm.py script. In addition to the parameters accepted by the standard train.py (that trains a text-only NMT...

@ykeivn Have you ever tried? It seems not good if directly convert gray to RGB...

运行了login.html之后呢。。。 访客登录报错。。。

默认打开的不是login.html吗。。。 不过然后点击访客登录是跳转到index.jsp,我也报错500了,求解决。。。

+1...I also want to ask that...

@youngboy52 I got the same error. At `text_utils.py`, line 543, add `encoding='utf-8'`: ``` with open(fc,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f: ``` fixed it!

@EricChenYJ My python version is 3.7. My updated code is [here](https://github.com/Eurus-Holmes/SynthText_CH).

I have also the same bug... how to solve it...