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Results 74 EnragedRabbitProject issues
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Going through the documentation, I can see info on how long the wires need to be for a 3, 6 and 9 block version of the ERCF. I cannot find...

Lines 409-411 in ercf.py include the below logic: 409 self._load_to_end_of_bowden(load_length-encoder_moved) 410 **final_position** = self._counter.get_distance() 411 ratio = load_length / **final_position** if self_counter-get_distance() returns '0' due to misfeed of filament in...

Endless spool mode went out of array index when checking for next spool in the group went beyond the last tool. Once that was fixed, an edge case emerged where...

# ERCP Buffer Cross With Enlarged Wheel Inset This mod enlarges the circular inset on the inside of the buffer cross so that the filament wheel fits completely inside it....

SOS hello developer Can't find the reason error multiple times How to solve it? [klippy.log](https://github.com/EtteGit/EnragedRabbitProject/files/9612362/klippy.log)

> **Disclaimer**: This could be a massive over-step, so please feel free to tell me to stay in my lane. Working on `ercf.py` in #150, I noticed that the file...

Quick question. Does the clog detection mode need to be enabled for the Klipper filament runout feature to work? Can someone elaborate how it should work? Thanks in advance!

This make the calculated moves more precise and decisions based on measurents reliable Signed-off-by: Emmo Emminghaus