Results 24 issues of Allan Brazute


Needs PECL mailparse >= 0.9.0 (tested with mailparse 2.1.6 on PHP 5.3) What's uuencoded attachments:

Resolves #1700


Today I got myself resorting to something like that: ```javascript when: { show: function() { var step = this, el = document.querySelector(step.options.attachTo.element); if (!el.offsetHeight) { step.tour.back(); } } } ```...


As a new commer, took me an unecessary amount of time to realise 2 things: 1. Tour.isActive() method will always be True after you start a tour and does not...

I have this "old" Xiaomi Android 10 phone, I just factory reset and install AirGap Vault. So, I have generated and written down the 24 words. As soon as I...

Looks like CasaOS is missing a very cool feature found on projects like Umbrel and Citadel that allow us to access our services online in a very secure way via...

I have installed CasaOS under ChromeOS (FydeOS to be precise) and it's working very well. But, it's a Debian Linux there, so, no surprise. Then I tryed to install it...

I tryed ``` var req =, authParams, {param: 'file', path: '/tmp/'}, reqCallback); ``` On server, I can see that the request itself is working, but the file is not...

Statistics only show swap and / mount point. Other mounts (ie. external USB HDD at /mnt/estorage) not showing. - DietPi-Dashboard [v0.6.1]( Stable. - Linux DietPi 5.9.0-arm-64 20.10 SMP PREEMPT Wed...
